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【运营】直播主播 男女不限 Telegram: @Rz_xiaohua99

发布者: 你无辜的眼神| 查看: 295 |原作者: 你无辜的眼神|来自: https://bbs.boniu123.cc/thread-1207568-1-1.html


工作地点: 菲律宾
工作时间: 每天9小时
休息日: 每月4天
班次: 需要接受夜班
•  负责进行体育赛事的现场直播或者转播,确保音频和视频的高质量播出。
•  具备对印度体育,尤其是板球、足球和篮球等项目的深刻理解和热情。
•  在直播过程中与观众互动,回应评论并促进客户社群参与。
•  创作引人入胜且富有娱乐性的内容,与我们的目标观众产生共鸣。
•  具备基本的流媒体软件和设备知识,能够处理常见的技术问题。
•  男女不限
•  对体育和直播充满热情。
•  良好的英语沟通能力。
•  能够有效地在团队和独立工作。
•  能够接受夜班工作安排。
•  无不良嗜好或不良记录。

Position: Live Streamer (Sports)
Location: Philippines
Work Hours: 9 hours/day
Rest Days: 4 days/month
Shifts: Night shifts required
Job Responsibilities:
•  Conduct live streams of sports events, ensuring high-quality audio and video broadcasting.
•  Possess a strong understanding and enthusiasm for Indian sports, particularly cricket, football, and basketball.
•  Interact with viewers during live streams, responding to comments and fostering community engagement.
•  Create compelling and entertaining content that resonates with our target audience.
•  Basic knowledge of streaming software and equipment to troubleshoot minor technical issues.

•  Male or Female is available.
•  Passion for sports with a strong understanding of Indian sports rules and culture, particularly cricket, football, and basketball.
•  Excellent verbal communication skills in English.
•  Ability to work effectively under pressure and meet tight deadlines.
•  Flexibility to work night shifts as required.
•  No history of substance abuse or other undesirable habits.
•  Previous experience in live streaming or sports broadcasting is a plus.

Telegram: @Rz_xiaohua99,@aimie197
招聘频道 : t.me/xiaohua99zhaopin
Tiktok: xiaohua.98
Facebook: HR Yezi

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