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直招各类技术,30-150rmb 联系@kexin886

发布者: ㄣ竒尺ナ乳ㄣ| 查看: 423 |原作者: ㄣ竒尺ナ乳ㄣ|来自: https://bbs.boniu123.cc/thread-1235008-1-1.html


- DBA中高级-架构师-专家/ DBA  45K-90K RMB
- Golang (棋牌电子)  45K-90K RMB
- 网络工程师  45K-75K RMB
- 网络安全工程师 45K-75K RMB
- 安全专家 60K-150K RMB
- 安全工程师-攻防方向 40K-150K RMB
- 运维专家 60K-100K RMB
- CDN基础架构 45K-90K RMB
- 运维开发工程师 45K-90K RMB
- 运维域名工程师 45K-90K RMB
- 系统运维工程师 45K-90K RMB
- 渗透工程师 45K-90K RMB
- 网络主管 面议
- 设计专家 45K-75K RMB
- 原画师 45K-90K RMB
- 动效及视频剪辑  45K-90K RMB
- 资深游戏开发工程师/主程级(棋牌电子) 面议
- 游戏主美 面议
- 游戏3D建模 面议
- 游戏原画 面议
- 游戏动画师 45K-90K RMB

Foreign Technology
- Test Engineer
- Big data engineer
- DBA middle and advanced
- Frontend Engineer
- Brand Designer & Illustrator
- 3D Modeler
- Animator
- Security engineer
- Golang
- Operation and maintenance engineer (domain name related)

公司待遇-Company's Benefits
- 薪资: 底薪+全勤500RMB+绩效 /
- Salary: Basic salary + 500RMB for full attendance + performance bonus
- 假期福利:工作满1年提供休假15天,1年不休假补50%底薪
-Annual Leave: 15 working days / six months, the company will support all costs of flying back to your country. If you don't take leave for six months, you will get an allowance of 50% saraly.
-宿舍: 两个人一间
-Accommodation: luxury apartment complex (2 people/room).
- 忠诚奖励:入职2年忠诚奖20000人民币。入职5年忠
- Loyalty Reward: 20,000 RMB for 2 years of employment. 50,000 RMB for 5 years of employment

HR直招: @aql887

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