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菲律宾 人事直招 想出国的朋友请咨询我 岗位多多 (9休4...

发布者: 依执旧忆| 查看: 835 |原作者: 依执旧忆|来自: https://bbs.boniu123.cc/thread-1238625-1-1.html

岗位  :  业务助理

薪资待遇  :  16K-20K
工作时间  :  9小时,月休4
年龄  :  21-35
国籍  :  不限(不要菲籍,不要非洲籍)
语言需求  :  中文精通,英文流利,多语言优先

岗位需求  :  
4. excel,word,ppt 等办公软件熟悉灵活使用
5. 有良好的职业道德,有博彩行业经验者优先
  •  Multi languages, Chinese & English as minimum
  •  Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  •  Time-management skills
  •  Ability to pay attention to detail
  •  Organization skills
  •  Ability to multitask
  •  Advanced understanding of frequently used computer software and programs, such as Microsoft Office
  •  Interpersonal skills
  •  Experience in igaming industry is preferred but not required

岗位职责  :  
3. 协助领导完成调研报告,例如行业研究报告、起草文件等;组织和准备会议、参加会议并作好会议记录,做好机密和敏感信息保密工作
  •  Work directly with the Director to support all aspects of his daily work routine
  •  Maintain the Director’s calendar, including scheduling meetings, appointments, speaking engagements, and travel arrangements.
  •  Provide coordination, monitoring, and communication of projects and programs managed by the Director
  •  Assist in all requested business activities and processes including project planning, intake, prioritization, initiation, execution, and in fostering collaboration of key stakeholders
  •  Keep the Director advised of time-sensitive and priority issues, ensuring appropriate follow-up
  •  Routinely perform a wide variety of support duties, such as doing research, drafting documents, making initial contact and communication, organizing and preparing for meetings, gathering documents/materials, attending meeting and taking minutes
  •  Assist the Director in the development of presentations and report for internal and external audiences
  •  Maintain confidential and sensitive information
  •  Maintain various records and documents
  •  Other additional and/or alternative duties as assigned from time to time, including supporting the Director and other colleagues and departments as needed.


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