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NL Cafe Cebu City / 2nd Street, North Reclamation Area | Opposite Shoe Mart at the back of Sungold., Philippines

发布者: 想要留住你゜| 查看: 498 |原作者: 想要留住你゜|来自: https://you.ctrip.com/food/mactanisland57580/14233554.html

NL Cafe Cebu City / 2nd Street, North Reclamation Area | Opposite Shoe Mart at the back of Sungold., Philippines
NL Cafe的地理位置不错,位于宿务市的商业中心附近,主营菲律宾菜。餐厅不大,但是供应的菜品种类很多,有海鲜、蔬菜、汤、肉类等。上菜速度较快,环境干净,人均价格适中,是一个小巧精致的餐厅。
路过 雷人 握手 鲜花 鸡蛋
快讯 · 24H

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