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Cyma Greek Taverna / D'mall, Boracay, 5600 Aklan

发布者: 带你卡进垃圾堆| 查看: 998 |原作者: 带你卡进垃圾堆|来自: https://you.ctrip.com/food/boracay610/454554.html

Wife and I ate here and were seated immediately. We order spinach artichoke fondue, mahi mahi fillet, lamb gyro, and roasted potatoes. The fodue and potatoes were good but the gyro was a disappointment. The meat tasted stale and to top that didnt taste li
这是长滩岛上非常著名的一家希腊餐厅,店内装修精致,环境优美,可以边吃边欣赏海边风景。希腊菜肴味道正宗,其中最值得推荐的就是火焰乳酪,服务员会在菜上点火,有十足的视觉效果。 另外还有牛腱意面值得品尝,牛肉很大块,配上烤土豆,味道刚刚好。正是因为这里颇受欢迎,所以各位食客可以提前一天就预订哦。

烤羊排 , 火焰乳酪 , 白酒煮淡菜 , 希腊卷饼 , 牛腱意面 , Chicken Gyros鸡肉卷 , Geek Osso Bucco , 希腊国菜Moussaka , Flaming Mangoes火焰冰淇淋 , Moussaka , 烤土豆 , 芒果奶昔 , 海鲜饭

路过 雷人 握手 鲜花 鸡蛋
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